The invincible Ultraman, a Japanese fictional superhero, captured the imagination of millions born in the 80s, 90s and early noughties. This cosmic crusader who protected the universe from invaders and monsters calmed our minds and soothed our nerves for decades - “Have no fear! Ultraman is here!"
This collaboration for Fall Winter 2019 combines UOOYAA’s signature light-hearted style and delicate craftmanship with the most well-known images of Ultraman. The collection makes use of cutting-edge techniques, such as 3D stereoscopic six-dimensional printing and silver-ironing techniques, to depict the classic pose people make in homage to Ultraman as well as to replicate the cool lighting effects which featured in the cartoon.
It goes without saying that only something truly marvellous can be expected when the mighty Ultraman meets the ultimate “fashion girl” UOOYAA.